Universal Etiquette


Business Etiquette

Etiquette is essential in the workplace. A survey found that the majority of employers -- 86 percent -- consider business etiquette intelligence among their most important hiring criteria, and any employee who possesses these skills could be an asset to any organization.

A company’s top management and leaders contribute to the development of teamwork and soft skills by educating employees with knowledge in special areas of civil interaction, helping to create trust, consistency, and enhancing their corporate culture.

Etiquette intelligence skills empower individuals and companies who compete in the global arena. Whether in the United States or abroad etiquette intelligence will arm executives and entrepreneurs with an advantage for every situation.

Universal Etiquette uses tested and well-researched strategies and techniques for conducting business and helps outclass the competition.

Our programs for Business Etiquette include such areas as:

•    the correct handshaking techniques
•    proper introductions
•    remembering names
•    offering business cards
•    and much more